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Tupoho Investments exists to deliver on the economic strategy of Tupoho Whānau Trust, which ensures the values of Ngā Hapū ō Tupoho are upheld. Tupoho Investments aspirational goal is to provide the necessary economic engine so the Trust can deliver on the needs and aspirations of descendants of Ngā Hapū ō Tupoho. The needs and aspirations of the whānau are to:
• Live in a pristine natural environment which acts as a sustainable source of kai and recreation; • Have quality education that links directly to social, cultural and economic opportunities; • Have stable and appropriate livelihoods that are close to home; • Have an economic base which serves to safeguard their future
This allows us to attain our vision of enhancing the future prosperity for all those who live within our tribal domain.
Every project, venture or investment explored by Tupoho Investments must take into consideration how they meet or affecet our main priority areas, being OUR 4 E’s as shown above. These four E’s are prioritised in the order they are shown with our environment always being at the forefront of any decisions made. We understand at the deepest level that our connections to our awa and our whenua have a direct impact on us as a people. If anything is done to harm our awa or our whenua, we as tangata whenua will feel those impacts and our wellbeing will be affected. It is understood that if our awa, if our whenua are not well – we as a people will not be well. For that reason care of our environment is vital to ensure sustainability into the future. Excellence in education in areas that hold relevance to our whānau, hapū and iwi will ensure social, cultural and economic opportunities for all. Having suitable employment gives individuals and whānau alike, the opportunity to have a stable and appropriate standard of lliving – vital to live comfortably, rather than just managing to exist. The final E in our prioroties is one that assists in safeguarding the future and longevity of our people, being the ability to have a strong economic base. When all these areas are aligned correctly, we will flourish as a people.
Tupoho Investments initial tasks to progress the economic arm of Tupoho focused on Property Management and Business Development. The acquisition of assets was the next phase of growth. At the request of our hapū the next projects were around the development of a Housing Strategy to meet the needs of our whānau, hapū and wider community. The most recent focus area for Tupoho Investments has been in the area of employment, with a current project to transition tauira into employment in a number of different trades.